Growing up in Thang Long - the land of thousands years of civilization and amongst the embrace of Hanoian’s charm and grace, Thuy was nurtured in the nest of cultural and multimedia art values while rooting her fascination for Asian painting. Graduated from Hanoi Fine Art University, Thuy continued her path in Ukraine and achieved her Master of Fine Art degree before successfully defended her doctoral thesis in Kiev Fine Art University.
European life and cultures, along with the accumulation of her research on Eastern - Western fine art, have brought her an essential approach to contemporary art. Passion, consistency and endless effort have empowered Thủy to stay firm and successful in her fashion design career loaded with artistry to build up her very own brand - THUY DESIGN HOUSE.
As there are many leads to the top as it seems, Thuy’s moves into Fashion have been unlike any other case. Despite not originally trained in the field, the brief time studying in Hanoi Academy of Theatre and Cinema has planted in her the idea of shifting real life costumes onto the stage, and from the stage back to real life in a natural and balanced transformation of elegance, delicacy and simplicity.
“Necessity is the mother of invitation” - It is the deliberate practice, exertion’s lead to triumph, triumph to passion and passion to more effort dedication that formed this motivation circle, making them the core values of THUY DESIGN HOUSE.
THUY DESIGN HOUSE was first introduced to Fashion lovers in the grace of the earliest raindrops of 2011. As time goes by with experience gained through remarkable collections, various materials practice, diverse techniques accomplishment and applying Brocade as signature impression, Thuy remains consistent and active in blending modernity and tradition, luxury and modesty, expressing her lively and charming femininity.
Every woman has their very own spirit and flair. Thuy’s designs have grown into a journey of artistic discovery and creativity, honouring the state of mind and celebrating the distinctive form of her own spirit.